Saturday, August 28, 2010


                                                      "I WAS BORN TODAY"
Every day that dawns,You must say yourself
I was born today
The world is new to me.This light that i behold
Strikes my unclouded eyes  for the first time;
The rain that scatters its crystal drops
Is my big day!

Then let us live a pure life
A shining life!
Already,yesterday is lost was it bad?
Was it beautiful?...let it be forgotten.
And of that yesterday let there remain only the essence,
The precious gold of what i love and suffered
As i walked along the road...

Today every moment shall bring
Felling of well being and cheer,
And the reason for existence,
My most urgent resolve,
Will be to spread happiness all over the world,
To pour the wine of goodness into the eager mouths around me...

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