Everyone has a story from high school, sketched out of memory and myth. The myth reflects the faith that we all have a chance to invent ourselves, and high school is the lab. We enter, still children, for this sweaty, four-year experiment, and if we are brave and lucky, we race out the big double doors that graduation flings open onto the rest of our life. Sometimes we don't even think to look back at the ones who got lost along the way.The stakes are so high, the experience so searing that in retrospect we sometimes polish it up. These are the best of times; you'll remember your prom as long as you live. Tuesday pep rallies for Friday football games; band practice and the fall musical, Young Life and the Key Club and the astronomy class that met at midnight to watch the cradle moon rise. Even the pain look poetic from a distance.
The vast majority of our kids, the ones we love and never read about, make it through high school intact, without incident. They do the reading and sing in the choir and bag groceries after school and buy the class T shirt and don't pierce anything below their ears. And yet everything that happens to them is huge. Everybody matters: the teacher who hoists students' ambitions up to meet their potential, or the one who just ignores whatever they say until they stop saying anything; the nurse who takes students into her home to keep them from falling apart; the classmate who teaches loyalty; the coach who instills some discipline. Sometimes the lessons inside the classroom are the least of it.
Look inside a high school, and you are looking in a mirror, under bright lights. How we treat our children, what they see and learn from us, tell us what is healthy and what is sick--and more about who we are than we may want to know. Dylan Klebold lives here, and so does Cassie Bern all, and they can't help showing us what's on their mind, because that's the nature of teenagers. So come in only if you want to learn. All they will give us is a glimpse, but even that may knock the wind out of us.It is easy to understand, even before Columbine but certainly since, why the adults in a high school could conclude that their most important job was less to teach kids than just to keep them safe, hold their hands, feed them, shape them, show them right from wrong. In loco parents is just the beginning. In loco all the rest of us as well. Politicians and reformers can talk all they want about standards and vouchers and academic performance, but the people on the front lines worry about a lot more than test scores.
In high school life so many experiences that never forget.In high school life her i teach how to love to each other.I'm so happy in my high school life cause high school are the sweetest moment that never forget.The best life for me that never forget is high school.
Nice ^_^